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GONZO's New Original Anime Copihan Announced

May 3, 2011 11:24 PM

Feb 2008
According to GIGZAZINE, GONZO has announced its original anime "Copihan" at Machi Asobi fest vol.6.

Photo report of the announcement
Copihan Anime official website
Copihan manga official website

Copyhan is a school comedy taking place in Tokyo in 2034. Its manga adaptation has been serialized in Comic Rush magazine by KEI since November 2010.

Copihan on MAL
NaruleachJun 9, 2011 4:26 PM
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May 3, 2011 11:28 PM

Nov 2008
Eww... GONZO... *barf*

May 3, 2011 11:29 PM
Jul 2008
Comedy huh? I would've said shounen, judging by the art style.
Anyway, awesome I guess. I like comedies.
May 3, 2011 11:34 PM

Feb 2008
Shame. It had my attention till I read "School comedy."
May 3, 2011 11:55 PM

Aug 2009
Gonzo, the Sakuga Hokai master. That's the question.
May 3, 2011 11:59 PM

Oct 2008
I will watch...definitely :) Looks and sounds good.
May 4, 2011 12:02 AM

Sep 2008
Who keeps giving Gonzo money?
It doesn't think, it doesn't feel, it doesn't laugh or cry..... All it does from dusk till dawn is make the soldiers die.
May 4, 2011 12:16 AM
Jul 2009
Jigero said:
Who keeps giving Gonzo money?

this. I was hoping they stayed dead. :<
May 4, 2011 1:26 AM
May 2009
Reimu? That's quite similar as far as I can tell from the little screen. Looks a bit "gothic" from the style. The "shining" eyes... I've seen that artstyle somewhere, but dunno where it was. But I doubt they animate it with that style.
May 4, 2011 1:30 AM

Sep 2008
Not really excited about it. This thing looks quite...unimpressive. Well, I suppose that after the new Last Exile, which obviously won't sell despite the series cult following, they need something to appeal the general fanboy mob and score some money as well. The problem is...they should've adapted some popular manga in order to make money. On the other hand, Strike Witches were original and succeeded...guess I'll wait and see.

Anyway, it's interesting to see how the new Gonzo will handle themselves. The current studio has almost nothing in common with neither old Gonzo, that was the leading and the most recognized force in the anime industry, possessing the most innovative technologies that's currently largely employed by all other studios, nor late Gonzo that did a shitload of anime per year just for the sake of it, mostly with a serious lack in quality.
May 4, 2011 1:46 AM

Apr 2009
I could care less... but:
seishi-sama said:
Anyway, it's interesting to see how the new Gonzo will handle themselves. The current studio has almost nothing in common with neither old Gonzo, that was the leading and the most recognized force in the anime industry, possessing the most innovative technologies that's currently largely employed by all other studios, nor late Gonzo that did a shitload of anime per year just for the sake of it, mostly with a serious lack in quality.

that's why I'm looking forward to this anime, I may be rather sceptical for now, but all in all I'll watch it for the sake of seeing their first show after being "reborn".

May 4, 2011 2:26 AM

Mar 2009
It sounds alright.
May 4, 2011 2:58 AM

Aug 2009
Wasn't Gonzo dead?
May 4, 2011 3:41 AM
Jan 2009
ill check it out
May 4, 2011 4:34 AM

Oct 2009
Comedy anime in a school setting. Original, indeed.
May 4, 2011 4:40 AM

Apr 2009
buckeymackfun said:
Jigero said:
Who keeps giving Gonzo money?

this. I was hoping they stayed dead. :<
I thought they WERE dead. What happened to their financial trouble? As far as I'm aware, they didn't have a one-hit revival like Gainax and Square Enix.
May 4, 2011 6:00 AM

Oct 2009
Nilvius said:
buckeymackfun said:
Jigero said:
Who keeps giving Gonzo money?

this. I was hoping they stayed dead. :<
I thought they WERE dead. What happened to their financial trouble? As far as I'm aware, they didn't have a one-hit revival like Gainax and Square Enix.

"GonZombie - The Revival", butchering your anime with the deadliest CGI known to man...or beast. In theaters everywhere, batteries not included.
May 4, 2011 6:31 AM

Nov 2008
there's a lot of school comedy anime this year still might check it out
May 4, 2011 6:46 AM

Oct 2007
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
May 4, 2011 7:03 AM

Jun 2009
I like GONZO as a brand (and as a studio to some extent... they produced some stuff I really like after all) and would be really sad to see it go away (which DID NOT happen yet, despite the haters loving to proclaim it's early dismissal anywhere they can), but as already mentioned, the creative force behind the name is very different from what it once was for the better and the worse.

That said, I approve of this news and will give the show a fair shot once it comes out.
"There is no stupid questions, only stupid people."
May 4, 2011 7:10 AM

Oct 2009
I'll probably watch it.
May 4, 2011 7:12 AM

Nov 2007
Looks like Kagamine twins, except they are all girls... Not sure if I want to watch it.
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
May 4, 2011 7:24 AM

Aug 2010
well the characters looks good so I might check it out
May 4, 2011 7:41 AM

Oct 2009
TreF said:
Original anime, original anime everywhere.
Well, it's Gonzo, I'd actually be surprised if they made something based on manga, or such.

Anyways, the character designs look good, hope they can keep it up.
May 4, 2011 8:22 AM

Apr 2010
Kinda reminds me of Star Driver

May 4, 2011 8:59 AM

Nov 2010
I sorta dig the character art. I thoroughly enjoyed Seto no Hanayome and Welcome to the NHK from Gonzo so I believe they make something decent.(I also liked their takes on Kiddy Grade and Blue Drop although they were not as great) .
Looking at posts on the Internet wouldn't bother me so much if people didn't also mix up he and she.
May 4, 2011 9:19 AM

Apr 2010
cool i guess... i still have faith in gonzo :/

"If only if only, the woodpecker cried, the bark on the tree was as soft as the sky" || ♪My mind, heart is broken♫
May 4, 2011 9:44 AM

Jun 2010
I'll give this a shot.
May 4, 2011 9:53 AM

Sep 2010
The character art doesn't seem right with the word comedy...
May 4, 2011 10:51 AM

Jan 2011
SurferDude said:
Nilvius said:
buckeymackfun said:
Jigero said:
Who keeps giving Gonzo money?

this. I was hoping they stayed dead. :<
I thought they WERE dead. What happened to their financial trouble? As far as I'm aware, they didn't have a one-hit revival like Gainax and Square Enix.

"GonZombie - The Revival", butchering your anime with the deadliest CGI known to man...or beast. In theaters everywhere, batteries not included.

as I recall the CGI in Last exile and Gankutsuou weren't that bad ,but those are the only exceptions
May 4, 2011 11:23 AM

Jun 2009
Well I approve of making an original anime. It is certainly better than grabbing up a good manga and screwing it halfway to hell by deviating from the original storyline.(Bokurano, Rosario+vampire, etc)

I don't hate Gonzo. They did a great job with NHK, Saikano and Witchblade was also surprisingly good. Not to forget Gankutsuou. I am digging the character designs on this show. I cringe at the sight of "School comedy" but it would be interesting it this turned out to be a parody of typical shounens.

Well lets see how it turns out.

"I always take life with a grain of salt, a slice of lemon, ...and a shot of tequila."

May 4, 2011 11:26 AM
Feb 2011
tsubasalover said:
Looks like Kagamine twins, except they are all girls...

I thought so too.

I want to believe that this will be good because the character designs are pretty. Won't know until it airs and I try it out though.
May 4, 2011 11:55 AM

Oct 2009
I'll watch cuz i can + i dig the art ^_^
May 4, 2011 12:03 PM

Dec 2009
Gonzo FTW!
May 4, 2011 1:20 PM

Nov 2008
The art is good, although the anime may be so so, and what's up with all of the school comedies? Ishihara can't ban all of them or restrict them all especially if they don't use school uniforms or have ecchi in the anime. Japan panicking much, it doesn't say all school comedies banned.

Metty said:

May 4, 2011 1:24 PM
Jul 2009
May 4, 2011 1:40 PM

Jun 2009
AidanAK47 said:
...but it would be interesting it this turned out to be a parody of typical shounens.

Gonzo likes to trow lots of curve balls and relating to your particular statement they already sent a huge one with Tower of Druaga (Rosario+Vampire is another one, it's good but after reading the manga I can see why people that was into into previously got pissed). What started as something amazingly promising quickly turned into Gonzo's trademarked "meh" feeling so abundantly present on most of their shows.

Don't get me wrong, there is much to be loved about Gonzo, but drifting from the norm was never one of their traits. Instead, they were always the best when they sicked to the tied and true... maybe with some specks of originality here or there. I am hoping they stick to a fun and cleverly written moe show that gives them some much needed revenue and us something to enjoy, I really don't think they are in a position to try anything remarkably original/untested right now.
"There is no stupid questions, only stupid people."
May 4, 2011 2:03 PM

Jun 2007
711 said:
I like GONZO as a brand (and as a studio to some extent... they produced some stuff I really like after all) and would be really sad to see it go away (which DID NOT happen yet, despite the haters loving to proclaim it's early dismissal anywhere they can), but as already mentioned, the creative force behind the name is very different from what it once was for the better and the worse.

That said, I approve of this news and will give the show a fair shot once it comes out.

^this. people seem to forget some of the awesome works they have done as a whole. as for there bad cgi... i could care less if its good or bad to be honest... i watch anime for the story telling mostly and the characters. hollywood doesnt even do cgi that great lol besides the "G" for the logo is pretty wicked XD come back even stronger Gonzo! this show could suck but i will still try to watch it. Emomen TURRRNN!! :D

"For me to call a man my friend, he must be equal to me in all aspects" - Griffith, 'Berserk'
May 4, 2011 2:11 PM

Sep 2009
Screw you guys, I'm watching this show.
May 4, 2011 3:00 PM

Feb 2010
Damonashu said:
Shame. It had my attention till I read "School comedy."

What I thought :/
I probably regret this post by now.
May 4, 2011 5:51 PM

Sep 2009
Well since I see many don't liek Gonzo... It actually has some animes to remindd, they aren't totally all bad but they jsut need to be pulished... and then pressured + a lot of heat to become a diamond... <.<

Made by me xD

May 4, 2011 6:02 PM
Sep 2009
SurferDude said:

"GonZombie - The Revival", butchering your anime with the deadliest CGI known to man...or beast. In theaters everywhere, batteries not included.

I couldn't have put it any better myself. Nonetheless, I'll probably watch it because... well, why not? It would only not be worth watching if it were boring~
May 4, 2011 6:38 PM
May 5, 2011 12:20 AM

Sep 2008
I don't get the Gonzo hate at all. I just did a quick glance of the stuff they've done and quickly realized there is a lot of good stuff in there. A good portion of their stuff are some of the more popular shows.

Like any studio they are gonna screw the pooch at some point, but don't see why they should be written off entirely because of it.

Not surprised by that at all as I was already aware that they had done a lot of my personal favorites. As a result, I'll be giving this show a shot.
Jun 29, 2011 8:22 PM
May 2011
Is there any news of this D=?
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